Medical and insurance costs are rapidly becoming one of the biggest expenditures for large companies. One way of reducing these costs is to contract with Motus Physical Therapy for physical therapy services onsite at your location. If you can provide a small office space, Motus PT can provide a wide variety of manual physical therapy treatments for less than what your insurance carrier would typically be billed from an outside clinic. This is even more beneficial if you are a self-insured company.
Having a physical therapist available for employees can help to reduce overall medical costs as well. Research has shown that when patients with back or neck pain saw a physical therapist before they saw a medical doctor, less money was spent on their care. Both groups of patients had similar outcomes based on pain and disability. The 276 patients who saw a physical therapist first, spent an average of $1,543 less than the group of patients that saw a physician first. This was a cumulative savings of over $400,000 for 276 patients. Using a physical therapist as the primary provider for musculoskeletal issues can save a significant amount of money in health care costs, reduce lost workdays, and provide an alternative to the use of opioids.